Disaster Management Training – The new approach

  • March 19, 2014

A study of previous events will give clear sign posts to effective management of a disaster; unless lessons are learnt, absorbed into resilient procedures and realistically practiced then the same errors will occur with an inevitable sad loss of life.

For many years, decision makers have relied upon unrealistic table top exercises or expensive large scale exercises that target selected teams practicing their part and not fully understanding the impact of their actions and decisions up and down the chain of disaster response.

Involvement in mass casualty training has led Mark Loades, Managing Director at FMP to co-author a Handbook for Pandemic and Mass-Casualty Planning and Response which marks the 100th volume in the NATO Science for Peace and Security Series of handbooks. The handbook offers the disaster medicine professional information and tools to better prepare, individually and collaboratively, to mitigate mortality and morbidity when catastrophe occurs. It guides the reader through ethical principles, the importance of risk communication and trustworthy information and includes medical and surgical practices for amputation, burns and blast injuries.

At FMP we adopt a high level approach to training that manifests itself in all aspects of delivery, adding immense value to conventional based training and bespoke education programs alike.

For more information regarding disaster management or other training options, please contact us at clientservices@fmpprotection.co.uk

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